Dedicated To Your Care

The EWWC Team

We’re glad you’re here. Our goal is to do everything we can to make life a little easier on you. Scroll down to learn more about Evolution Women’s Wellness Centre’s dedicated team of Women’s Healthcare professionals.

Meet The Team

About Us

Dr. Jean-Placide Rubabaza

Founding Clinician

Dr. Jean-Placide Rubabaza is committed to delivering excellent care to his patients, using his knowledge in obstetrics and gynecology to find new ways to help those with gynecological issues. Besides treating patients, he focuses on teaching and research to improve the future of his field. He also works to promote diversity in medicine and create welcoming environments where everyone feels respected and heard, as seen in his work at Evolution Women’s Wellness Center.

Michelle Ramjass

Business Manager

With 20+ years in a medical administration role, her experience has evolved into medical management and the business development manager of Evolution Women’s Wellness Centre. When she’s not overseeing the daily operations of the clinic, you can find Michelle spending time with family and friends, traveling from beach to beach or simply cozying up at home with a good read.

Samantha Daponte

Clinic Nurse

Though she thoroughly enjoys women’s health, Samantha has a particular interest in obstetrics and postpartum care. She is a clinic nurse who conscientiously builds and fosters strong therapeutic relationships with her patients. An avid reader and mom to eight children, Samantha also enjoys the outdoors, meditation and impromptu kitchen dance parties.

Janet Fuller

Clinic Nurse / Receptionist
With a special interest in cosmetic radiofrequency treatments, gynecological care and patient relations, Janet excels in both of her roles as a clinical nurse and receptionist. She has a warm, friendly personality that can make anyone feel welcome. Outside of that, Janet enjoys crocheting, crafting and spending hours tending to her garden.